2016 Sessions 1 & 2 (January 11 - May 23, 2016)
Beginning Winter 2016 each age may be separated based on skill level and time spent with BYOP® Programs
2016 BYOP®-Lovejoy flyer download!
2016 BYOP® Lovejoy (complete contact form by clicking here)
OPEN: Program 2: BYOP® – Lovejoy
3nd year program: for Ages 4-10+ (only 16 families may register per session per age) Program Dates: January thru May 2016 Session 1: Jan 11, 18, 25; Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 & Skills and/or PLAYDAY May 9 (additional May 23 by invitation ONLY) Session 2: March 7, 21, 28; April 4, 11, 18, 25; May 2 & Skills and/or PLAYDAY May 16 (additional May 23 by invitation ONLY) PLAYDAY/SKILLS Contest: May 9 , May 16 & May 23) Times for Ages 5-7: 6:00-7:00 and Ages 8-11 7:00-8:00pm Training Site: Willow Spring Middle School and |
Session 1: (8 training sessions and one (1) hour Skills/PLAYDAY dates)
6 slots still available (2//8/2016)
Session 1: Ages 5-7 – 6:00-7:00 (16 families)
Monday, Jan 11, 18, 25; Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Monday, February 1 (Bring A Friend - small fee) Monday May 9: Skills Contest and/or PLAYDAY |
12 slots still available (2//8/2016)
Session 1: Ages 8-10 – 7:00-8:00 (10 families)
Monday, Jan 11, 18, 25; Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Monday February 1 (Bring A Friend - small fee) Monday May 9: Skills Contest and/or PLAYDAY |
Session 2: (8 training sessions and one (1) hour Skills/PLAYDAY dates)
6 slots still available (2//8/2016)
Session 2: Ages 8-10 – 7:00-8:00 (16 families)
Monday, March 7, 21, 28; April 4, 11, 18, 25 & May 2 Monday, April 4: Bring A Friend (small fee) Monday May 16: Skills Contest and/or PLAYDAY (BAF may apply if space available) |
10 slots still available (2//8/2016)
Session 2: Ages 8-10 – 7:00-8:00 (16 families)
Monday, March 7, 21, 28; April 4, 11, 18, 25 & May 2 Monday, April 4: Bring A Friend (small fee) Monday May 16: Skills Contest and/or PLAYDAY (BAF may apply if space available) |
Session 3: (May 9 or May 16 dates and times are included when registering for either Session 1 or Session 2). May 23 is also includes for those that register for both sessions 1 & 2 and prior to December 15.
Session 3: Ages: 5-7 - 6:00-7:00 (6 families)
BYOP® Skills or PLAYDAY: Monday, May 4 and May 11 |
Session 3: Ages: 8-10 - 7:00-8:00 (12 families)
BYOP® Skills or PLAYDAY: Monday, May 4 and May 11 |
PLAY DAY and/or Skills Contest Dates
May 9 for Session 1
May 16 for Session 2 (also available for small fee Session 1 participants) (BAF may apply if space available) |
Bring a Friend (BAF) Dates:
February 1 for Session 1
April 4 for Session 2 (also available for small fee Session 1 participants) (BAF may apply if space available) |
May 23 for those that have registered for 2016 Session 1 & 2
if space available register for a small fee
**Those registered for Session 1 or 2 and are paid in FULL by December 15 your Skills Contest/PLAYDAY dates are a bonus. Those that register after December 15 for Session 1 or 2 you are charged at the regular rate for May 9 or 14.
**Those players that have registered this past BYOP® - Lovejoy fall program will receive an additional promotional price (email to get updated promotional rate .
NOTE: All Players and parents MUST wear BYOP® t-shirts for all training sessions. Only those that are NEW to BYOP® will receive a parent/player t-shirt (minimum 8-week program). However, those returning always receive a bonus whether a training session or a promotional rate. All Sessions are at Willow Springs Middle School AUX Gym with the exception of some additional opportunities at Net Results. You only receive a BYOP® tote bag, if you are NEW family and have signed up for an 8-week program.
Fall 2016: BYOP® - Lovejoy for Ages 5-7 and Ages 8-11 (all sessions Monday night @ Willow Springs Middle School.
How to Register for the above BYOP® - Lovejoy Programs:
- Complete the contact form by clicking on the blue link listed to the left. BYOP® - Lovejoy pay by mail no later than December 15, 2015 if space available for special promotional pricing. After December 15 regular rates will apply.
- Download the flyer : BYOP® - Lovejoy Flyer coming (download flyer)
- Download waiver (only Net Results program)
- Download Guidelines fro BYOP® Lovejoy (mailed once receipt of online contact form)
- Confirmation of Acceptance will be emailed within 48-72 hours after your online contact form has been received, as well as, waivers, and full payment. Parent and athlete that have attended a BYOP® Introduction and/or a BYOP® program will be accepted first.
Limited space and registration is determined on a first come, first served basis.
If you are on the wait list for BYOP® - Lovejoy (Monday)...you may register for another BYOP® program once dates have been confirmed for 2016 Net Results Winter Sunday program and/or BYOP® - Hebron. However, you must have completed your online contact form and provided a non-refundable deposit. If space is not available your deposit will be put toward next session. |
Willow Spring Middle Map/address listed below: Guidelines/pricing will be emailed once you have completed the online contact form.
Training Sites for BYOP® – Lovejoy
WSMS – Willow Springs Middle School Aux Gym
WSMS – Willow Springs Middle School Aux Gym
101 West Lucas Road – Lucas, Texas 75002