2015 BYOP® Lovejoy – Register for Winter and Spring BYOP® - Lovejoy
OPEN: Program 4: BYOP® – Lovejoy
2nd year program: for Ages 5-11 (only 16 families may register per session per age) Program Dates: January 5, 2014 – May 18: Session 1: January - February Session 2: March - April Session 3. May 4, 11 & 18 Times: 6:00-7:00: Ages 5-7: 7:00-8:00: Ages 8-11 Training Site: Willow Spring Middle School and Session 4: June/July BYOP® - Lovejoy will be held at Net Results. Session 5: returns back to Lovejoy Fall 2015. |
Session 1: (8 training sessions and 2 one (1) hour Skills/PLAYDAY dates)
9 slots still available (12/25/14)
Session 1: Ages 5-7 – 6:00-7:00 (16 families)
Monday, January 5, 12, 19, 26 Monday, February 2 (Bring A Friend - small fee) Monday February 9, 16, 23 |
7 slots still available (12/25/14)
Session 1: Ages 8-10 – 7:00-8:00 (10 families)
Monday, January 5, 12, 19, 26 Monday February 2 (Bring A Friend - small fee) Monday February 9, 16, 23 |
Session 2: (8 training sessions and 2 one (1) hour Skills/PLAYDAY dates)
8 slots still available (11/30/14)
Session 2: Ages 5-7 – 6:00-7:00 (16 families)
Monday, March 2, 9, 23, 30 Monday, April 6 (Bring A Friend - small fee) Monday April 13, 20, 27 |
9 slots still available (11/30/14)
Session 2: Ages 8-10 – 7:00-8:00 (16 families)
Monday, March 2, 9, 23, 30 Monday, April 6 (Bring A Friend - small fee) Monday, April 13, 20, 27 |
Session 3: (May 4 and May 11 dates and times are included when registering for either Session 1 or Session 2). May 18 is includes for those that register for both sessions 1 & 2 and prior to December 15.
13 slots available for Ages 8-10
Session 3: Ages: 5-7 - 6:00-7:00 (16 families)
Monday, May 4 and May 11 _BYOP® Skills and PLAYDAY |
12 slots available for Ages 8-10
Session 3: Ages: 8-10 - 7:00-8:00 (16 families)
Monday, May 4 and May 11 BYOP® Skills and PLAYDAY |
May 18 Skills Contest
Available Slots will be announced March 15, 2014
*May 18 Skills Contest
Ages 5-7 – 6:00-7:00 (16 families) (Registered SS# 1 & 2 BYOP® Players as of 12/15/14 contest no charge) |
Available Slots will be announced March 15, 2014
*May 18 Skills Contest
Ages 5-7 – 6:00-7:00 (16 families) (Registered SS# 1 & 2 BYOP® Players as of 12/15/14 contest no charge) |
**Those registered for Session 1 & 2 and are paid in FULL by Dec 15 your PLAYDAY dates are May 4 and May 11 and your bonus is May 18 Skills Contest - at no charge). Those registered for Session 1 or 2, you may attend the Skills Contest on May 18 for $10 if space available.
**for those families that register for 2015 Session 1 & 2 you will receive a $25 credit each time a friend registers for Session 1 or 2 (maximum credit is $100). New player/ parent registering should send me and email stating that you referred them to the program.
Session 4: BYOP® - Lovejoy for Ages 5-7 and Ages 8-11 (all sessions will be at Net Results)
Monday dates will be announced early March for Net Results Training.
Monday dates will be announced early March for Net Results Training.
How to Register for the above BYOP® - Lovejoy Programs:
- Complete the contact form by clicking on the red link listed to the left. Lovejoy pay by mail no later than May 31, 2015 if space available.
- Download the flyer (BYOP® - Lovejoy 2015)
- Download waiver (only Net Results program)
- Download Guidelines fro BYOP® Lovejoy (mailed once receipt of online contact form)
- Confirmation of Acceptance will be emailed within 48-72 hours after your online contact form has been received, as well as, waivers, and full payment. Parent and athlete that have attended a BYOP® Introduction and/or a BYOP® program will be accepted first.
Limited space and registration is determined on a first come, first served basis.
If you are on the wait list for BYOP® - Lovejoy (Monday)...you may register for another BYOP® program once dates have been confirmed for 2015 Summer programs. However, you must have completed your online contact form and provided a non-refundable deposit. If space is not available your deposit will be put toward next session. |
Willow Spring Middle Map/address listed below Guidelines / Pricing will be emailed once you have completed the online form.
2015 BYOP® - Lovejoy Flyer
Training Sites for BYOP® – Lovejoy
WSMS – Willow Springs Middle School Aux Gym
WSMS – Willow Springs Middle School Aux Gym
101 West Lucas Road – Lucas, Texas 75002